Today is an exciting day at Valtronic, as we launched our new secure implant and physiological connectivity platform known as “Compendium” in Europe at the first show day of the COMPAMED Show. With that said, our management team, a team of engineers, and of course, both the sales and marketing department, have been hard at work this past year focusing on the design, development and launch of this next generation of innovation. Our vision is to become the leading worldwide recognized partner for innovative personal healthcare devices and this new platform fits perfectly into it.

As Valtronic continues to work 80% in the medical device arena across all of our locations, Switzerland, Morocco and the United States, this newest technology will help create positive outcomes for not only our customers but for their customers, the end users and/or patients they serve. Why have we decided to shift our strategy? Wearables are becoming a permanent feature in today’s economy from hand held devices to watches, but the sector in medical wearables is about to explode as we see big players like Apple and Google, and thousands of start-ups globally dabble in remote patient monitoring. With the wearable device market expanding, it only made sense for Valtronic’s Compendium platform to come to realization. Compendium will allow customers to advance their products and stay ahead of competitors in remote monitoring and web enablement.

Compendium is a next-generation technology platform which provides an integrated system including Valtronic owned IP and even a proprietary phone App, creating opportunities to build greater value with customers. Want to know how Compendium works?

The Compendium works like this, first, a personal healthcare device (wearable technology), such as an implant or body worn sensor, tracks physiological data from the patient.

Secondly, data is transmitted to a biometrically controlled near field reader and information is secured to ensure data is specific to the proper individual and protected. Data is also transmitted to a smart phone or tablet where a patient can access it with the Valtronic App which is also biometrically controlled.

Next, Valtronic converts the near-field reader data into a Bluetooth signal and transfers it to the Cloud. All patient information is 100% HIPAA compliant, and secure reconigtion solutions are avialable; camera module for facial reconigtion, iris camera with on-board iris recogonition and fingerprint sensor technology.

Finally, Data is transferred to a patient’s doctor or caregiver, giving them access to all physiological data and enabling them to monitor and send alerts to the patient at any time.

We’ve also created a video animation to help explain our secure imlant and physiological connectivity platform. See below.

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The launch of Compendium is exciting and I wanted to share it with our readers first. For more information, please feel free to email me directly or check out our web site. We are currently exhibiting at the COMPAMED show in Germany and will also be featuring Compendium during the MD&M Anahiem Show in February.