R&D support for Manufacturable Next Generation Electronic Medical Devices

Building the next generation of electronic medical devices is no small feat due to the need for devices to be smaller, lighter, and more portable. Trends, such as miniaturization, have been driving device design changes in the industry over the past few decades. The improvement of an existing device requires design and development expertise, and more particularly Design for Manufacturing (DFM) to ensure your product can turn into reality. Whether you need a partner to design your next generation device from the start or to manufacture a product designed by your own team, chose a contract manufacturer with in-house expertise and experience in design and development to guarantee for high-quality manufacturable devices.


If your next generation medical device involves a new technology, a feasibility study will be necessary. A contract manufacturing partner with R&D expertise will help you with this essential project phase by demonstrating that the most essential functionalities are achievable and come up with a proof of concept before starting the design and development phase.

Design & Development

The design and development phase is key for your project’s quality, timeline, budget and overall success. This phase allows to address any risk related to a product’s key functionalities. It should also already take into consideration all other constraints such as supply chain and assembly instructions to guarantee for a seamless transition to industrialization and easy manufacturing ramp-up.  When partnering with the right contract manufacturer, all of this is addressed during design and development by applying the DFM (Design For Manufacturing) process. If your design was performed by your own team and you are looking for a CM to proceed to the next steps, choose a partner who has design and development capabilities in house.  Contract manufacturing engineers with deep experience in medical device design and development will spot areas for improvement to avoid manufacturing issues. They will provide you with prototypes that are very close to your final product and implement a test strategy as well as building the appropriate tester.

Industrialization & Manufacturing

The last essential step before transitioning to manufacturing is industrialization. It allows to fine tune the design and assembly processes and to validate them. If you plan to partner with a CM at this stage of your project, the successful manufacturing of your product will rely on the CM’s experience and NPI (New Product Introduction) process. In this stage, it is crucial that the CM gets acquainted with the assembly of your device, which involves very close collaboration between his team and yours.

Involve your CM early for optimized time to manufacturing

Time to manufacturing for medical or any other industrial devices is already highly dependent on very tight regulations. In order not to increase the time to market release, OEMs should optimize the whole process from design and development to manufacturing by reducing as much as possible iterations. The later iterations occur in the process, the higher the risk to delay the manufacturing stage. Design and development is the step when most critical processes should be defined. For example, if issues arise during industrialization or manufacturing with the need to review part of the design, your project might be considerably delayed. Think about all the process requalification such iterations involve. It is therefore recommended to involve your CM as early as possible in your project to reduce these iteration risks and reach the manufacturing stage in an optimal time.

Valtronic – Dedicated Next-Gen Medical Device Manufacturer

Partnering with a full-service medical device contract manufacturer for the realization of your next-gen device will allow you to focus on the core competencies of your company, while the CM works diligently in the background to bring your concept to fruition in the form of a marketable product.

From the design and development of your device to the full assembly of the finished product, Valtronic can help you pioneer the next generation of medical device innovations. With our 35+ years of experience, global manufacturing facilities, and highly trained personnel, Valtronic is ready to be your partner in optimizing the development and manufacturing of next-gen medical technologies that help improve patient outcomes.

For more information on how we can assist in the development of your next generation electronic medical device, contact us today.