
October 2021

Ensuring Reliability Throughout its Lifecycle: ISO 13845 Certified Medical Device Repair & Service

By |2021-10-07T17:06:10+02:00October 7th, 2021|Expertise, Service and Repair|

Medical device OEMs face numerous challenges not only in the development of their device but also ensuring reliability of the device while in service. Trusting your medical device to a third-party service and repair provider can be stressful. You have spent so much time developing and marketing your device to ensure patient safety, now, who […]

June 2019

4 ways to optimize New Product Introduction with your Electronic Contract Manufacturer

By |2022-04-05T15:20:32+02:00June 27th, 2019|Contract Manufacturing, Expertise, General, Industrialization, Industrialization, Medical Device, Technology|

Selecting a Contract Manufacturer (CM) is a well thought and time-consuming process. There are many factors that go into making the choice, obvious ones like cost and fit come to the forefront.  But one that is often overlooked is the process of onboarding the new project, New Product Introduction (NPI).  Transferring all of the knowledge […]

January 2019

Industrialization is a crucial step towards manufacturing

By |2021-06-30T23:29:32+02:00January 23rd, 2019|Contract Manufacturing, Engineering, Expertise, General, Industrialization|

Why is industrialization such a crucial step towards the successful manufacturing of your medical device?

Your engineering team has designed an innovative medical device and you now need to manufacture it on a mass scale. Are you confident you are going to have a smooth transition as you scale up to industrialization and production? […]

December 2018

Successful transfer of PCB assemblies for The Telos Alliance®

By |2023-11-22T13:55:16+01:00December 21st, 2018|Contract Manufacturing, Expertise, PCBA, Technology|

Successful transfer of PCB assemblies for The Telos Alliance® – The Grass is Greener at Valtronic

The decision to switch from one Contract Manufacturer (CM) to another is not made lightly as it takes extra effort on both the CM and customer’s part to ensure that production is not slowed. Companies switch CM’s for a variety […]

November 2018

The growing role of microelectronics in diabetes management

By |2019-06-17T08:03:48+02:00November 28th, 2018|Expertise, General, Healthcare, Technology, Wearables|

The daily life of diabetics is made of regular controls of blood sugar levels and insulin injections. Few diseases require so much attention. With diabetes, daily routines such as working, eating, and exercising take special preparation and involve learning how to plan for these everyday tasks. If the illness is not under control, there is […]

October 2018

7 Electronic Design Problems

By |2021-06-30T23:33:09+02:00October 4th, 2018|Contract Manufacturing, Engineering, Expertise, Healthcare|

7 Electronic Design Problems that Add Hidden Expense

When developing a product or electronic assembly significant efforts are placed on functionality and on reducing time to market. Often Design for Manufacturing (DFM) takes a back seat without realizing the long-term consequences. Even if the manufacturing cost of a product is within target the manufacturability should be […]

September 2018

Manual assembly operators

By |2021-06-30T23:34:28+02:00September 3rd, 2018|Contract Manufacturing, Expertise, General|

Manual assembly operators – the precision of Swiss watchmaking benefits  medical devices


Véronique is a member of the Valtronic manual assembly operator team. With 33 years of experience, she has acquired extensive know-how in assembling ultra-small and thin components for complex medical devices. The Valtronic plant in […]

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