First Neurosurgical Positioning Robot For High-Precision Brain Surgery
Our customer developed a robotic system for implementation in stereotactic brain surgery. It consists of a robotic arm assembly and a PC-based positioning system. By associating both image acquisition and surgical planning, surgeons can save up to 90 minutes of operating time per procedure and the robot is capable of delivering a great accuracy and consistency.
Project Challenges and Solutions
Our customer needed to design and manufacture the stereotactic arm of the robot. Such an arm is made of mechanical parts and of cables which have to be assembled in a way that guarantees high positioning precision and five-axis movement.
Valtronic suggested some adaptations of the main structure and developed a specific industrialization process that includes the manufacturing of the mechanical parts and the assembling and integration of all the components. The process also guaranteed an optimized management of the supply chain for the numerous different components of the arm.
Our customer needed to design and manufacture the stereotactic arm of the robot. Such an arm is made of mechanical parts and of cables which have to be assembled in a way that guarantees high positioning precision and five-axis movement.
Valtronic suggested some adaptations of the main structure and developed a specific industrialization process that includes the manufacturing of the mechanical parts and the assembling and integration of all the components. The process also guaranteed an optimized management of the supply chain for the numerous different components of the arm.
Valtronic developed and implemented a design and manufacturing process which allowed to produce a highly reliable and precise stereotactic arm for the robot. Valtronic has been collaborating for more than 15 years with this customer and the neurosurgical positioning robot is used by an increasing number of neurosurgeons in the world.
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